To promote integrity in our work as Ministers we commit ourselves to the following practices:
Appreciate Difference
We commit to celebrating difference and fostering inclusion. We refuse to marginalise or discriminate against people on the basis of age, disability, state of health, race, gender, nationality, religion, sexuality, economic status or any other distinction.
Walk our Talk
We agree to uphold the principles and policies as set out in our Constitution.
Communicate Honestly
We commit to speaking and listening with compassion and clarity, ensuring that our words are kind, true, transparent and relevant.
Stay Clean
We commit to refraining from intoxicants or mind-altering substances when carrying out our Ministerial duties.
Honour physical boundaries
We commit to being sensitive and respectful in expressing physical affection and we undertake to refuse absolutely sexual relationships with our clients.
Conduct ethical financial transactions
We commit ourselves to open and just dealings in all of our financial transactions.
Maintain confidentiality
We honour the sacred trust between a spiritual counsellor and a client, and between a minister and the community served, and promise to hold any personal information in the strictest confidence within the law currently in force in the Republic of Ireland.
Engage in supervision
We acknowledge the need for supervision and guidance beyond our training and ordination. We commit to regular supervision of our spiritual counselling and ministry work.
Commit to our own personal and spiritual development
We commit ourselves to continually deepening our personal spiritual practice and spiritual development, that our service may be grounded in an authentic and evolving spiritual life.
Maintain the integrity of the Group
We commit, where necessary, to deal, as a group and as individuals, with any issue that may place another in danger or compromise the good reputation of One World Ministers however difficult this may seem.